g-RIPS-Sendai 2019開催報告



g-RIPS-Sendai 2019概要



The program 2019 g-RIPS in Sendai was amazing. My impressions of the program are all positive. I have to admit that I was a little worried about conducting research in a different country; the first reason is being in a different country, and the second being my first research. But it turns out that I had nothing to be afraid of because everyone I worked/interacted with was helpful and friendly. The research itself was insightful. Having prior background in optimization helped with understanding the main problem. Some colleagues/friends do not have much optimization backgrounds, so being able to provide insight allowed for easier communication throughout the program. When working with the Japanese students, I did not find any difficulty in communication. They spoke English very well, and so I felt there wasn’t a language barrier at all.
The administration was very supportive. If we had any questions, it would be taken care of promptly. Furthermore, it was very nice that the program regularly checks up on us asking if we need anything to help us with our respective projects. In terms of logistics, the program provided everything needed for my two-month stay. Being located in the center of Sendai and next to the main shopping district kept me busy visiting every store. Moreover, the shopping district help the biggest Tanabata festival in Japan. Being able to experience so much culture in a short time was amazing. Overall, the program was amazing. I wouldn’t miss an opportunity to do this program again.


The g-RIPS-Sendai 2019 program gave me the opportunity to work on an interesting, applied, socially important problem, develop my scientific communication and mathematical skills, and enjoy a new city and culture for the summer. Working on a team with Japanese and American students from a variety of academic backgrounds was challenging and rewarding, and our diverse perspectives contributed to a better model and more interesting project. Our industrial mentors allowed us to design our exact research question, but provided a complex and social relevant system to study. Our site visit allowed us great insight into the system. Seminars, coffee breaks and Japanese language and culture classes allowed us to join the AIMR and Tohoku University community for the summer. Our academic mentors provided support for the project and the midterm and final presentations gave us the chance to improve our scientific communication skills.

今回参加して本当に良かったと心から思います。本来このプログラムは数学専攻の修士以上を対象にしており、実際にアメリカ側メンバーは倍率を勝ち抜いた優秀な数学修士や博士ばかりですが、日本側ではご縁もあって私は経済学部生ながら参加する機会に恵まれました。留学経験や海外の友人もなし、一人暮らし経験もなく研究インターンシップ経験もない私にとって全て初めての経験でしたが、この2か月を非常に楽しく濃密かつ有意義に過ごすことが出来ました。年齢、国、専攻分野、言語、文化、価値観の違うメンバーと同じ目標を共有して答えが分からない課題に取り組むのは簡単ではないですが、それゆえに研究を通して得るものも多くありました。英語を使うことへの自信、プログラミング言語やソフトフェアの習得、数学の式を理解する能力など技術的なことはもちろん、チームプロジェクトでのチームへの関わり方、貢献の仕方、状況判断などの経験値も増えました。休みの日もこれは同様で、毎週末旅行へ行ったり普段の何気ない会話でも自分と異なる文化や価値観と触れ合うことができ、視座が増えました。何より強烈に思ったのは、自分が日本に籠って生きてきたことで挑戦や努力の基準が低く凝り固まっていたことに気づいたことです。これは優秀なチームメンバーと触れ合えたおかげ以外の何物でもありません。これらの貴重な経験は自分の自信となり今後の挑戦でも役に立つと思っています。 日本なら幸運にもアメリカ側ほどの倍率を勝ち抜かなくても参加できます。英語に挑戦することが出来ます。日本の大企業が抱える課題に挑戦できます。普段会わない専攻分野の違う人と挑戦できます。文化や価値観の違う海外の学生と共に挑戦できます。これだけ挑戦できることがあって給与や滞在費も出ます。このうち数個でも十分すぎる経験が出来るこの機会は今を逃したら人生で二度と来ないと思い参加しましたが、正解でした。

The g-RIPS-Sendai program was such a wonderful and valuable experience and great opportunity to work an industrial research project (Toyota) in Japan. Every team member has different disciplines and this is my first time working the research project with people who do not have strong background of mathematics, but it is very interesting to collaborate with them because we have very different perspectives of the project and it helped us to see the bigger pictures. Overall, this research program helped me to grow as a better researcher and connected with a lot of people.

g-RIPS-Sendai-2019 was an excellent opportunity - I had the chance to explore a new culture, learn how industry-focused research differs from academia, network with high ranking members of industry and academics alike and on top of all that I expanded my technical skillset and have become a far more competitive candidate on the job market, receiving multiple interview requests based on the experiences I gained at g-RIPS. I cannot recommend this program enough!

My impression of g-RIPS Sendai 2019 was incredibly positive. From this program, I was able to apply some of the skills that I have harnessed in my graduate program to a real world project, while working on a multidisciplinary team. I feel like I have gained great insight working on an optimization project, which is outside of my field of interest. I feel like this experience helped me gain great exposure and learn new techniques and skills that I may apply in the future. I also believe that the seminars throughout the program were excellent ways to gain further exposure to diverse research, and I appreciated the Japanese language class offered weekly, as it was very helpful for communicating in simple interactions. These classes also encouraged me to want to pursue studying Japanese on my own. Overall, I think the program was very well administered and I am happy to have had the experience working on a project in a different culture.


Email: g-rips-sendai_organizers@grp.tohoku.ac.jp